Open up to sustainability.
When it comes to sustainability, only one beverage container delivers unrivaled benefit—the aluminum can. That’s because cans are the ultimate with regard to recycling. In fact, aluminum is infinitely recyclable, and cans are the single-most recycled beverage package in the United States.
In a world that is increasingly concerned about scarce resources, aluminum cans have the ability to be recycled over and over, forever, without losing strength or quality.
Smart, sustainable cans.
- 100% recyclable - infinitely
- Most recycled beverage package in the United States
- Central to a circular economy
- Recycled beverage cans are back on store shelves in as little as 60 days
- Aluminum cans contain an average of 70% total recycled content
- Aluminum beverage cans have a 65% recycling rate
- Nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today
It matters to consumers.
Compared to other beverage packages, consumers prefer cans:
- For their ease of recycling
- Because they are made of recycled material
- Because of their low environmental impact
Seven in ten adults surveyed said they would purchase a product because its packaging is better for the environment.